How to Clean the Nike Why so Sad? Dunks
Our HIGHLY requested video!
These were highly requested, but it took us a while to get it clean! Check out our tips and tricks for cleaning these Why So Sad Nike Dunks.
Products Used
The products used in this video will be the Reshoevn8r Essential Cleaning Kit and the Dry Suede Kit. The Essential Cleaning Kit comes with the soft, medium, and stiff bristle brush, 4oz cleaning solution, and microfiber towel. While the Dry Suede Kit comes with a suede/nubuck eraser and suede cleaning brush. Using both of these kits will be all Jordan needs to complete this much needed clean on these absolutely trashed dunks.

Cleaning the Uppers
Jordan starts off this cleaning by taking out the laces and soaking them in a mix of our cleaning solution and water to help get out the dirt on these laces. Then she inserted the Reshoevn8r shoe trees, so she can put as much pressure on the shoes as possible to make sure these shoes give a deep clean. When using Reshoevn8r products it is essential to have the shoe trees or the clean just is not going to be as good. First thing Jordan does is completely go over the entire shoe with the soft bristle brush with no solution to try and get off all of the surface level dirt. Doing this can prevent pushing unneeded dirt into the materials of the shoe and also prevent colors from bleeding onto other parts of the shoe. Next Jordan uses the soft bristle brush with solution to delicately clean the Uppers of these Why so sad dunks. I say delicately because this shoe is very dangerous when it comes to the possibility of colors bleeding onto other colors, so Jordan needs to be extra careful to prevent this from happening because there is no way to fix it when it happens. Cleaning this shoe panel by panel is the best way to go to prevent the possible bleeding. Jordan
did a great job cleaning these uppers. All of the dirt and grime came out of these shoes and there was absolutely no bleeding which is a miracle with these shoes.
Sole and Midsole
In the next part of the clean, Jordan used the medium bristle brush to clean the midsole and then moved to the sole of the shoe where she used a pick to get out alot of the excess dirt before scrubbing it with the stiff brush. These shoes were bought on ebay and because of that Jordan is cleaning the inside of the shoe to completely disinfect the shoe and make sure no excess gross materials are lingering around. Now it is time for them to dry.
The Meaning Behind the Design
These shoes have a lot of cool features throughout the shoe but these specifically were designed with a purpose. These shoes were designed by John Rattray to help bring mental health awareness to the sneaker community and to stand for a force for change when it comes to suicide prevention. If you or someone you know is struggling with their battle with depression do not hesitate to reach out and get the help you need, and always remember that you are loved and your community needs you in it.
Bringing Back the Color
The next step in this clean is to use the Reshoevn8r dry suede kit to help bring back the liveliness of the suede. Alot of it was very matted and gross but the dry suede kit did the job getting the blue suede nice and buttery. The dark blue suede was discolored and did not look like the original shoe so we used some Reshoevn8r mink oil and horsehair brush to go over the shoe. This mink oil works amazing when it comes to bringing back the color in suede shoes and it definitely worked on this buttery dark blue suede. The clean on these sneakers was absolutely crazy, they don’t even look like the same pair. If you want to see this cleaning video hit the link below and don’t forget that if you want to keep your shoes this clean Reshoevn8r is the way to go.